With the holiday season upon us again, I have been nostalgic. I remember that we would be photographed surrounded by our gifts in a before and after setup. As a child, that was what Christmas was to me - a chance to get gifts and be with family.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Christmas Non-Secular
With the holiday season upon us again, I have been nostalgic. I remember that we would be photographed surrounded by our gifts in a before and after setup. As a child, that was what Christmas was to me - a chance to get gifts and be with family.
Easy Resolutions
- Finish my bachelor's degree. I am only 18 credit hours away. While this doesn't fit in the fun category, it will create more free time to have fun.
- Workout more. Again, this may not sound like fun. But, I do like to lift weights. I think that is all I did in high school besides play football. Going to the gym to lift is fun. Going to the gym to run not so much.
- Be a better husband. This will be fun. Queentuffy deserves better than the usual me. So, I will be stepping up in this area.
- Be a better friend. I have met some great people, and some have become my friend. I am not the most attentive friend. I don't make the phone calls I should or share my true feelings. Logtar can attest to this fact. I promise to be better.
- Go fishing more. I have a boat and all the equipment and time. I have no excuses. Queentuffy and I will be catching more fish this year.
- Drums. I have made friends with musicians this year. And they have rekindled my desire to play the drums. It has been 5 or 6 years since I was in a band. Time to dust off the drums and get back into playing. Maybe I will find a band.
- Find a career I love or at least tolerate. I have put a lot of effort and keeping employed in 2009. This was made significantly harder because I don't like my current career. I will continue with my soul search and item 1 of this list.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Career Matched?
The authors give you a 10 minute test called the Color Q Personality Style Self Assessment. After you finish the results are easy to garner. Your results are given to you in colors red, green, blue, and gold. You are assigned a primary color and a secondary color. I won't go into what each pairing means and just tell you that I am a Red/Green.
The test, also, determines if you are an introvert or an extrovert. I already knew before taking the test that I am an introvert, but I took the test in its entirety, and the result was the expected introvert. So, my final personality type result is Red/Green introvert.
After reading the description of the Red/Green introvert I discovered the authors were right. They nailed it. Their description of me matched my results of the personality test. I was surprised. As I mentioned before I had taken other tests and the results were iffy. Not this time. They were accurate.
Here are a few things the book mentions about Red/Green introverts that are me.
- Like to initiate and implement change.
- Excel in assignments that are nonrepetitious.
- Most productive when left on my own.
- Is relaxed and informal.
- Unattractive surroundings will distract and irritate me.
- Encourages rapport through a sense of humor.
- Offers a high degree of trust.
After confiming that the description was right, I read on to see what was thought to be a good career path. The book lists many careers broken out by industry. The list is nowhere near being complete or is said to be as such, but it gives a pretty good starting point. Here are some examples for Red/Green introverts that I thought were interesting.
Arts and entertainment
- artist, photographer, entertainment agent, film editor, and art director
- lawyer, product designer, public relations specialist, and business coach
Health Science
- gynecologist, speech pathologist, nurse, and primary care physician
These were just a few careers and industries. Now I have to use the information I have and brain storm on what I want to do when I grow up. I'm still clueless, but I feel I'm getting closer. It will take some hard work and some hard thinking. I will have to do some soul searching. I am confident that I will figure this out.
If you are in the situation as me or just curious about your Color Q personality, I recommend reading this book. It may surprise you.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Where Have I Been
So, what the hell have I been upto that has kept me away from my blog? The short answer is procrastination. I am the king of procrastination. I'll prove it to you later. :)
Other things have been happening besides avoiding posting here. I finally have two fully functioning knees. In this post I tell you about my knee pain. That was on October 7th. Holy shit! This went on longer than I realized.
After I went to my primary doctor and was told I strained a tendon, I decided to go see an Orthopedic Surgeon. I figured two months was enough time to be in pain. I made the appointment and saw the nurse practioner for the surgeon. She gave me the routine knee check and sent me to get x-rays. These x-rays revealed nothing. Surprise! So they said I needed to get a MRI.
After waiting 4 days for my insurance to approve the appointment, I had a MRI done on a Friday after work. I didn't hear about the results until the following Wednesday. As you can imagine I am getting tired of this thing dragging on. The results from my MRI were inconclusive. I have a little cartilage tearing and a little arthritis in the knee. Neither of which the doctor thought was bad enough to cause the pain I was having.
So, I have to make an appointment and go back to see the orthopedic surgeon for another exam. This exam will supposedly decide which form of treatment I will require. Surgery or a cortizone shot. I wait another week and a half before they can see me again. Yes, I am a happy camper at this point. This time I actually get to see the surgeon. He is a great guy, but a little hurried. He put my knee through the paces, again. Twist the knee and ask me if that hurts. Thankfully it didn't hurt on any of the twists he subjected me and my patient knee to.
After that he explains what he thinks is going on. Which is the exact same thing they told me the MRI results led them to believe. He then did something I didn't expect. He asked me which option I think I should go with - the shot or the surgery. Well, I have a pretty long no surgery streak going and would like to keep it. So, I opted for the shot. The surgeon agreed with my decision.
Okay I got the shot and my knee feels great. It is so nice not having pain or fear of the knee giving out on me. For the first time in a long time I can say my knee feels normal. Its just too bad it had to take from the end of August to the day before Thanksgiving to get it resolved.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Music That Stops the World

- The Fray - How to Save a Life.
- Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars.
- Kelly Clarkson - Since U Been Gone.
- Metallica - For Whom the Bell Tolls.
- Katy Perry - Hot N Cold.
- Black Sabbath - Paranoid.
- Flock of Seagulls - I Ran.
- KISS - Detroit Rock City.
- Offspring - Gone Away.
- Papa Roach - She Loves Me Not.
These are the top ten of world stoppers for me. Some are because I learned to play these songs and others because they call to me. I have the radio on all day while at work and love it when any of these songs are played. Problem is more often than not a coworker will stop by right as one of these starts. How do you politely tell someone to go away so not to interrupt the song? So if I ignore you, chances are one of these songs are playing. I hope you understand.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
The Boyfriend
Luckily for me my sister still lived in Yuma. She rented a pretty big house with her three children and her best friend Tina. I would come back to Yuma and stay at Gina's and Tina's house. As part of the price to stay there I would baby sit Gina's kids from time to time so team Gina and Tina could go out and party.
Though Tina had a boyfriend (whom I hadn't met), the team would go manhunting for my sister. On one such occasion the team went out and I stayed home to watch the kids. About an hour after the team left Tina's boyfriend came up from the basement where Tina's bedroom was located.
He introduced himself as Jim. He snubbed my offer of a handshake. I let it go. Tina usually had weird taste in boyfriends and I thought he was a classic example. Jim was cool and laid back. He dressed in 70's retro and wore John Lennon type glasses.
We discussed music. He seemed interested in the fact that I was a drummer. Jim mentioned that we should jam sometime since he was a guitarist.
I offered him a beer which he took but never took a drink. He was interested in talking about the house. He seemed to know a lot about the history of the house. Jim told me that the location of the couch was in the wrong spot and that it is always supposed to be under the window. As he said, "where it has always been."
We talked for hours. Finally I saw the headlights of Gina's car coming up the drive. Jim said he had to go to the bathroom and left the room. Gina and Tina walked in the door. In their drunken yammering one of them asked what I had been doing. I told them that Jim and I had just been sitting here talking. Gina asked who Jim was and I told her Tina's boyfriend. Gina paused and said quite matter of factly that Tina's boyfriend's name is Ricky and he is in Denver this weekend picking up a load of brick. We checked the entire house. We found no one. Jim was gone including the beer I had given him.
Through the years Gina lived in the house they had not seen Jim. Gina would later tell me that she would have arguments with Tina about rearranging the furniture. Gina said Tina would move the couch all the time and Tina would deny these claims. I asked if the couch was moved under the window and she said yes and asked how I knew. I told her that Jim mentioned that is the rightful location for the couch.
I would love to go back to Yuma and talk to the current residents of the house. I would like to know if Jim is still there arranging furniture. Maybe one day Jim will find what he is looking for and finally rest in peace.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
My Knee Hurts
I think I over used the knee. I started working out again about a month and a half ago. I don't recall a single incident in which I hurt said knee, but it started swelling and aching one night while bowling. I doubted bowling had anything to do with the injury, but I had to have it checked out.
I saw the doctor about three weeks ago and she prescribed less treadmill and more Aleve. I complied. The swelling has gone down and I no longer have a noticeable limp, but I don't feel anywhere near 100%. I haven't been back to the gym out of fear of making it worse. I didn't figure it was going to take this long to heal. Between the webs and friends experience it looks like it is going to take months not days to heal. Crap.
I plan on going back to the gym this weekend bad knee or not. If this seems like a bad idea, I can't help it. I have a history of rushing back after an injury. I fractured my elbow during the first quarter of the first game of my junior year football season. The doctor told me it would take 3 to 6 months before I could return to sports. 3 to 6 months hell. The season only had 7 games left not including post season. I wasn't going to miss this season. We had a good team and I figured we could go far.
So returning back to practice on Monday I told coach that the doctor said it was hyperextended and I should take it easy for a week. Yes, I lied. With some foam rubber and a lot of athletic tape, I played the entire season. That season was extended because we made it to state playoffs. So, in all I played 8 and a half games with a fractured elbow.
I know it was a pretty stupid risk to take, but I was young and bullet proof. It took close to 10 years before I could completely straighten my elbow. I'm still not sure that it straightens all the way, but it is close enough. Oh yeah, it pops a lot still, too. Still I wouldn't have changed a thing.
Now back to the knee. Yes, I'm going back to the gym. Yes, I'm rushing it and it will probably take longer to heal because of it. No, that isn't going to stop me. I still feel like that 16 year old kid with a fractured elbow. There is no way I'm going to sit on the sidelines.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
30 Rock

If you have never seen the show, I highly recommend you do. It is on a comedic par with Arrested Development, Sports Night, and 20/20. Why are you still reading this? Go to Blockbuster, the library or Netflix website and get yourself a copy. You won't regret it.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Humans Win

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Need to Get It Together
Like anyone else I would love to get into shape (other than round) and lose some weight. I started going back to the gym thanks to my BFF. We were getting into a grove and then I strained a tendon in my knee. Ouch! The knee is getting closer to normal. I look forward to getting back to the gym.
I have some house projects that need attention. I'm sure Queentuffy would like me to finish those. I think the only way I'm going to finish them is to create a list and start checking off the projects as I get them done.
My career is a whole other problem. In fact it will take another blog post to cover that. The overall theme is it is time to take the steps. They may be baby steps, but steps none the less.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Nothing will let you know about others loyalty to you like hard times. Is your loyalty contigent on times being good? As soon as the chips are down are all loyalty bets off? It seems that this is the case.
When I'm loyal to you, I will do what I can to improve your situation, make you look good, do what it takes for you to be successful. What do you do for me? Make sure we have status quo? I will go above and beyond. I have and will continue to do so for those I'm loyal. I guess you will continue to take advantage of that. Expecting more and giving less.
Well those days are over. My loyalty will now match yours. You can blame outside factors, but we both know its all on you. Thanks for taking advantage of my loyalty. My eyes are open. It won't happen again. I will find someone else who will return my loyalty and they will benefit. And you? You better hope you never need a favor from me.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Its Not My Fantasy
I have been participating in fantasy football since the early 90's. Back then there weren't any websites designed for fantasy football. The rules were simpler because the commissioner had to use the KC Star or the USA Today newspapers to figure the scoring by hand.
Now days there are websites and television shows telling you who to draft and in what order. We have wesites to set the lineups, check for free agents, and calculate the scoring. I miss the simple days of buying a magazine and figuring it out myself.
So, I think this will be my final year of fantasy football. I look forward to watching the games with nothing on the line for me personally. I will be watching for the pure joy of watching. Nothing more. Besides I prefer college football. My sundays will be free next year. Lets go fishing.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Been Busy
I wouldn't be enjoying nothing so much if it wasn't for the busy week. I'll start my explanation with Monday. Monday started like any other work day. First I didn't want to get up. Secondly I made it through the soul crushing day. Lastly I played tennis with said best friend. Boy it felt good to play some tennis. Tennis has a way of exposing how out of shape I am. After some good tennis fun, I got some pointers on punching. I wasn't allowed to hit anyone, but I did get some good shots on the heavy bag. All done with activity I went home just in time to have a small dinner and do some homework. When finished it was way past my bedtime.
Step 1 and 2 were the same for Tuesday as for Monday. The cherry on top of this day was bowling. Somehow I ended up on a team in a bowling league. I bowled surprisingly well considering I haven't bowled for a while. My scores were 168, 128 and 133. I was happy. Again I ended up getting home late. The wife was already in bed. She was the smart one.
Oh, I almost forgot step 2a of Tuesday. We had a new refrigerator delivered from Nebraska Furniture Mart. I had to spend time unloading the old fridge and loading the new one. It's amazing how much you can fit into a 22 cubic foot fridge. By the way, my NFM experience was great. The delivery drivers were professional and courteous. The fridge is still slightly larger than the space calls for. The dish washer door doesn't open all the way, but far enough to still be useful.
Today repeated steps 1 and 2. I got to miss lunch because of training. It wasn't so bad. Going to the gym was good, and now I'm here watching Glee and blogging. Ahhhh! Tomorrow I will rest even more and I have Friday off for the ultimate relaxing day. Yay me.
For the record. I'm not complaining. I enjoy having a busy social life. I need to have fun time. Life is too short and serious to not have fun on a daily basis. If you believe me, buy an Xbox 360 and friend me (Kipkillagin1). We can play some Halo 3.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
My Wife's Heart is Bigger than our House
My wife would feed and entertain the world if they could fit into our house. She loves have a large circle of friends and would do about anything for them. I hope they realize how lucky they are to have her as a friend.
If it were up to me, we would keep the circle smaller. I like knowing and liking a lot of people, but I believe in only having a small group of Best Friends. I like to have one or two guy buddies that I can call on to play tennis, go workout, play a game, or just hang. My wife would say they same thing, but the exception would be the number of buddies.
I'm lucky she likes and cares for so many people. I get to meet a lot of great people that way. I get to have a lot of great times entertaining and playing games. Just remember if I get a hold of you alone to do something, you are considered a best friend. And that is an exclusive club. Hopefully, you feel the same about me.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Fry Daddy
Chicken marinating in a bowl. Waiting for their turn in the fryer. Patience my pretties.
It's frying time. Everyone in the pool! The sound of something frying makes me salivate. Don't worry I kept it contained.
The first batch all done. Of course we sampled one. It was surprisingly good. Only five or six more batches left. It is going to be a late night.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Back At It
The class I'm taking is Political Science. I haven't taken a US government class since high school. The prof sent out the syllabus today. As expected, this class will require hours of reading. I'm not opposed to that. There is a lot of busy work as well. You can't get away from busy work in college. Luckily, this is the only class I'm taking this semester. I can sink some time into it. An added bonus is my father in-law has a degree in Political Science. That will give me another resource. Wish me luck.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Who am I?
I knew that my biological father lived in Texas, but that was about the extent of my knowledge. My sister had contacted him and actually went to live with him. I really never thought about contacting him. It wasn't that I had any bad feelings. I just didn't care to engage someone I don't remember.
A few years ago my sister tells my wife that my biological father has expressed his desire to get to know me. The wife sent a letter to him to make sure his intentions were just. We received a letter back from him and that got us started on a relationship. It started as letter writing and it progressed to phone calls.
Then one day on my way to work, he called me to say that he and some family were coming up and wanted to know if I wanted met him. So, we set up a meeting. I was curious to meet the man. Mainly because I am not like anyone in my family. I mean completely different. I was hoping that this meeting would shed some light on who I am.
After meeting him and his family, it was obvious that I am NOT like any of them either. I will discuss the meeting in another post. I was a little disappointed, but not terribly that I didn't see any of my traits on display by another person. So, I'm not like my mother, father, biological father, brother, or sister. Somewhere there may be a milkman that acts just like me or I'm one of a kind.
I am very analytical, quiet, and easy going. Everyone in my nuclear family is boisterous, out going, and always has some drama. My biological father is quiet like me, but has a different value system and is very southern. I guess I would be a combination of the two families. Yup. That sounds right. I'm going with that.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Saturday night live music
Since it was a bbq joint, we had food to go along with the entertainment. Being a resident of the KC area I know bbq. This place was pretty good. It was enhanced by Dave the night's bartendar and another friend.
All in all the night was enhanced by friends. Not only the friends at the two tables we filled, but as well as in the band and bringing drinks. Where would we be without friends? I don't know for sure, but I'm sure last night would not have been nearly as fun. And I'm lucky I have really great and interesting friends.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Mad Men
The advertising game in the TV show seems very interesting. Hard work with creativity sprinkled in. Does today's advertising firm operate that way? One thing have gathered from working in the corporate world is that creativity takes a back seat to hard line production. Creativity takes time and time is money. Hard line production is effecient. Is being creative allowed in corporate America or is it just not allowed in Engineering?
Sunday, August 16, 2009
District 9
This wasn't the movie I was expecting. I knew it was a social commentary style movie, but I didn't see the main plot line coming. Even though the movie was not what I thought it was going to be, I still dug it.
I'm not a movie critic. So, I won't be going into the critic blathering. I will just say the movie was intense, graphic, and poignant. Things happen in the movie that have you thinking this is exactly what would happen in the real world given these circumstances. I guess it feeds my general distrust in the world's governments.
Go see the movie if you like sci fi that makes you think. It makes you think while putting you through some intense action and graphic content. Don't cover your eyes. Take it all in. You will be glad you did.
Pre-District 9

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Vick to the Eagles
I hope Vick is truly sorry for what happened on his land. The public persona he put out during the ordeal was one of a person sorry for being caught not for abusing dogs. I could be wrong. I think the whole scene must have been overwhelming.
Vick and the Eagles will endure booing for the whole of preseason and when Vick steps on the field during regular season games for a while. When the season is in full swing and playoff positions are being formed, fans will forget to boo Vick. The NFL puts a product on the field that is electric. The charge should drown out the boos in December. Michael Vick will not suffer much this year, and the NFL will suffer even less.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Movie Wish List
- District 9
- A Robot Chicken version of GI Joe
- Movie adaptation of the book "Ender's Game"
- Free popcorn!
- A money back guarantee
I don't think these are unreasonable.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Fable II
I played the game as a good guy this time. It may be hard to tell if you saw my character. He is overweight, wears Elvis sunglasses, and has some scaring on his face. When I'm done with this game, I will play again as a bad guy. That should be fun. It should create a whole new experience. What game can claim that.
That is enough of that. Nyquill is kicking in. Time to take a nap.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
College Football EA Sports Style

True it shouldn't have taken me so long to get a win, but I was confusing Xbox 360 buttons with their competitors. The X button is in a different location than what I'm used to. The poor X receiver never got the ball when he was wide open. Don't worry I'll get it worked out.
I turned on the Xbox and started the game. It proceeded to tell me that an update was available. I pushed the "go for it" button and was delighted to see the rankings update to match the newly released Coaches poll. Excellent.
I love this game because I couldn't beat the game 70 -0 on my first try. In fact it took a few games to get the first win. The NFL version should learn something from this. The only thing I don't like is the lack of a speed burst. If it is there and I haven't found it, help me out.
I'm new to the Xbox 360 experience. I just got the console in June for my birthday. Man. I shouldn't have waited so long. I love the Live add-ons, the ability to play on-line (I know. Nothing new), and the current ESPN feeds.